So what is one of your ultimate fears? 

Statistically speaking if you are like most Americans you are more afraid of public speaking than you are of death!  This seems to be a bit of an exaggeration to me, but I do know that Public Speaking does making many people sick to their stomachs just thinking about it.

The thing you need to know though is:
                         Public Speaking is an outstanding way to grow your business!Public speaking gives you the opportunity to speak to many potential customers at once.  You are also able to show your knowledge and build a strong rapport with the audience. (step one of the sales process)The key with public speaking is making sure you know who your audience is to accurately determine the best topic to talk about to engage the group.

You will also build your confidence  and presentation skills the more public speaking you do.  Public speakers are also considered to be top experts so the more speaking you do the more informed your potential customer base will be, the more sales opportunities will come your way and the smoother the sales process should be.